When can I expect to receive my refund?

We will process your return and refund the money within 14 days of receiving the package at our warehouse. 

You will receive a receipt via email when we have completed your return and the money is ready for deposit. It typically takes 2-5 business days from the time you receive the receipt by email until the money is available in your bank account. This period may vary depending on your bank and the payment method you used to make the purchase. 

Should it, against all expectations, take longer than 14 days until you have received the money, please send us a message via the contact form, and one of our employees will quickly help you refunding your money. 

Please note that if you use Track & Trace, it will say "Delivered" when the package arrives at one of the distributers 'distribution centers. It will take a few more days from here before it arrives at our warehouse, after which we will start processing your return.

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